2017-2018 - All-State Jazz Results

2017-2018 - All-State Jazz Results

I'm very happy to congratulate one of my students, Andrew Kreitner, on being chosen as lead tenor sax for Georgia's All-State Jazz Band.  Andrew has constantly surprised me with his earnestness and sincerity.  Good job to Andrew for this much deserved achievement.

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GMEA All-State Auditions 2012-2013

Here are links to the GMEA website resources for All-State Band audition material for Middle and High schools.  Chromatic scale ranges (required for all instruments) can be found by following the link to your age group and looking at the chart provided by GMEA.

There are 3 things on this and almost every audition, 1) Scales, 2) Etudes (aka prepared piece), 3) Sight reading.  Scales and Etudes are listed below by grade then instrument.

All-State Middle School Band - 6th through 8th Grades:
All-State Concert Band - 9th & 10th Grades:
All-State Symphonic Band - 11th & 12th Grades:
All-State Jazz Band - 9th-12th Grades: